Why is it Called Rail House?

  • By Zone 28
  • 21 Oct, 2019
Why is it Called Rail House | Zone 28
There’s a story behind every business name, and Zone 28’s flagship restaurant is no different. Known by many of you for its tasty apps and entrees, our Rail House Restaurant has its own history. So what makes Rail House so special? Let’s find out...

Pittsburgh’s Railroad History

Like we said, every great name has a story behind it, so how did Rail House get its name? The short answer: Pittsburgh’s history. In addition to being a major steel hub, Pittsburgh has always been a transit pathway. From the modern light rail carrying workers to and from the heart of the city, dating all the way back to 1800s freight transport, the city has been in the center of the transportation scene.

Zone 28 witnesses all of this first hand. Across the street from our recreation center is a still-busy-and-bustling railroad, from which we were inspired to create Rail House Restaurant. Did you know? Pennsylvania alone still operates 60+ freight railroads, carrying goods and supplies from point A to point B. A few of the primary freight companies serving Pittsburgh include Norfolk Southern; Pittsburgh & Ohio Central Railroad; Pittsburgh, Allegheny, & McKees Rocks Railroad Company and Buffalo and Pittsburgh Railroad.

Rail House Railroad Crossing Special

We like to pay homage to our roots, and to the trains stilling chugging along in Harmar. Each day, Rail House has a beer special to take advantage of. But here’s the kicker: you save even more when trains roll through. Stop into Rail House Restaurant for a brew at the right time, and order our daily special (already discounted) PLUS pay half price when you hear the train come by.

Stop by Zone 28 for Fun and Food

From action-packed arcade games and bowling to out-of-this-world eats, Zone 28 is the place to be with friends and family. Stop by for a drink, or bring your crew for a party to remember. We’ll see you in the Zone.
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