How to Play Tabletop Games Like a Pro

  • By Zone 28
  • 31 Dec, 2018
Tabletop Games Zone 28 | Pittsburgh

There’s no shortage of entertainment at Zone 28. From the Escape Zone, to laser tag, to a full line of arcade games, you’re sure to keep busy. But did you know , we also offer some of the popular throwbacks you’ve played since you were a kid? We’re talking billiards, air hockey and even beer pong. If you weren’t lucky enough to grow up with these classics in your basement, we’ve got a few pointers to help you run the table all night long. 

Shoot Your Shot on the Billiards Table 

With centuries of tradition and strategy, billiards have become a mainstay of many entertainment complexes. Playing a game of billiards is a great way to relax and take it easy when you need a break from faster-paced games. If you’re new to the game, here are a few tips to help you get into the swing of things.

If you’ve never handled a pool cue before, start by grabbing the bottom with your dominant hand and placing it at a roughly 90-degree angle to your body. Take your other hand and place it on the table. Make a ring with your index finger and thumb and thread the cue through it, resting it on your middle finger. This will help keep your cue steady when you shoot.

When deciding on a ball to target, keep it simple. You’re probably not ready for combination or trick shots. When shooting, you don’t need a lot of power. Shooting a ball too hard can cause it to bounce right back out of the pocket or lead to scratching. Take time to analyze the whole table and decide on the best or easiest shot. Remember, billiards isn’t a race.

Move Over, Geno—There’s a New Hockey Star in Pittsburgh

Ok, so the Pens probably won’t be calling you up based on your air hockey skills, but that doesn’t mean you can’t dazzle your friends and family. While air hockey might seem like a chaotic game of smacking the puck with a mallet until it goes in one goal or another, there is some strategy involved.

The first thing to know is that defense wins championships. You can get outscored if the puck never reaches your goal! Many air hockey players go with the “Triangle Defense.” This involves placing your playing hand close to the middle of the “rink.” This is because it’s easier to pull your arm back than stretch it, and you’ll be able to cover a greater area.

When it comes to offense, go for a no frills approach. Sure, it’s a lot of fun to watch the puck ricochet of the sides, but it’s hard to predict where it will end up—sometimes even resulting in an own goal! Instead, go for the straight shot. Wait for the puck to come to you and smack it right down the middle of the rink. Not only does this leave you with a better chance of scoring, but you’ll look pretty cool and worthy of the first shift.

Sink It Like a Boss

For those over 21, you’ll have to try your hand at our beer pong game, Sink It. Whether you mastered your technique in college and have gotten a little rusty, or you’re new to the game, there are few things to keep in mind when your shot is up. It all starts with a good teammate. If you’re new to the game, try pairing up with a seasoned veteran. Not only will you be able to learn from their technique, but you’ll have a solid sinker to fall back on.

When it’s your turn, grip the ball with your three larger fingers (index, middle and ring) and apply a little backspin to help your aim. In general, it’s easiest to start with the first cup and work your way back, but hey, a sinker is a sinker! Finally, don’t rule out the mental game. Have of Sink It is getting in your opponent’s head and a reasonable amount of harmless taunting is expected. Just keep it classy. This ain’t college, afterall.  

Show Off Your Skills at Zone 28

Whether you’re here for the classic tabletop games or want to experience something new, Zone 28 is the perfect place for friends and family to engage in a little lighthearted competition. Want to get the whole gang involved? Explore our group event and VIP packages for an experience you won’t forget!
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